
What’s Up With Online Therapy and Marriage Counseling?

Is web-based therapy the way of the future?  And is the future already here now? Read More

I Know I Need Therapy Help, but Is My Therapy Working?

Denver psychologist   Susan Heitler, PhD   specializes in helping couples to build strong and loving …  the other’s input.    Dr. Heitler, thank you so    Dr. Heitler, thank you so much for taking the time … .    Thanks again, Dr. Heitler.  I    Thanks again, Dr. Heitler.  I have been wondering a bit about narcissism …

The Crime of Individual Therapy for Married People

If not criminal, is it at least a very mistaken, albeit common, practice to treat individuals without assessing the family context of the therapy client’s life? Read More

I Know I Need Therapy Help, but Is My Therapy Working?

Not all therapy proves to be helpful. How can you assess if the particular therapist and treatment you are involved with are likely to succeed in helping you to solve your problems? Here are two perspectives and a set of nine guiding questions. Read More

No Way Jose Will I Go With You To Therapy!

Especially with the advent of the internet, there’s many ways to get marriage help, with or without the participation of your spouse. Here’s three options for fixing marriage problems on your own. Read More

Counseling: Who Gets It? For What? Who Doesn’t? Why Not?

Why, even more than physical health care, does mental health care go to so few of the folks who need it? Of those who do get help, what do they want the help for? Read More

3 Ways a Therapist Establishes Trust in Therapy

A strong therapeutic alliance is to therapy what a secure attachment is between parent and child. What ingredients enable a therapy client to trust a therapist?Read More

8 Reasons to Cheer for Psychotherapy and to Broaden Its Availability

A newly released study by the American Psychological Association has confirmed the many benefits of psychotherapy. It suggests ways in which psychotherapy can be a preferable treatment to prescribing drugs. At the same time, it questions what would be needed to enable more folks in need of help to obtain psychotherapy services. Read More

How Effective Is Your Marriage Therapy?

If you and your spouse have had some tough times and turned for help to a couples counselor, how can you assess if the therapy is genuinely helping? Many folks in couples counseling are uncertain as to what to use as a measuring stick. Whether the therapist is “a nice person” is not sufficient. Try this quiz instead. Read More

A Short Course for Overcoming Narcissism and BPD

A few critical skill upgrades can massively improve relationships for folks who act in ways that get labeled narcissistic or borderline personality disorder. This Short Course suggests skills for the folks with the labels and also for their loved ones and work colleagues. Read More

Beware: Individual Therapy Can Harm Your Marriage

Individual therapy is often helpful. A therapist can provide emotional support and guidance for changes. But divorce can be an iatrogenic (therapist-induced) side effect of individual therapy for married folks. Read More