
Psychotherapy Integration: Bump Theory Explains How to Do It


Intrusive Memories: A Research Roundup


(c) stokkete/fotosearch

Can a 4-Step Self-Help Therapy Technique End Upset Feelings?

Therapists use this technique to help their clients gain insight and feel better. Can it also relieve upset feelings if you use it as a self-help technique?
Jose AS Reyes/Shutterstock

Are You Good Enough?

How comfortable do you feel with yourself? The time-tested ideas of Donald Winnicott suggest that feeling good enough fosters acceptance from others.
Your Inner Monkey: Learning From Your Way-Way-Back Past
How far back do you look when you want to learn from the past? Your monkey ancestors actually can teach you much about why you do what you do now.

Healing from a Toxic Relationship

 Can poetry help with healing from a toxic relationship? Read More

What’s Up With Online Therapy and Marriage Counseling?

 Is web-based therapy the way of the future?  And is the future already here now? Read More

Want to Lose Weight? Exercise More?

 Now is the best time to get effective at building new routines of exercise, healthier eating, and more. Read More

12 Relationship Questions College Kids Want Answered

 How would you answer this student journalist’s relationship questions? Read More

A Winning Way to Get Started Writing Your Life Story

 Sometimes the hardest part of writing is getting started. Here’s a highly effective launch strategy for autobiographical writing. If it works well for you, you can use it to begin each chapter as well as the book as a whole. Read More