Marriage education matters! Want a happier marriage partnership? Want to end marital tensions?  Want also to help others to learn the collaborative communication and conflict resolution skills, including skills for staying in the calm zone, that enable couples to sustain a mutually appreciative relationship?  Check out the marriage workshop resources developed by psychologists Susan Heitler, PhD and Abigail Hirsch, PhD.

Marriage education offers an inexpensive, convenient, and fun alternative to marriage counseling.  Use marriage education on its own, or as a powerful enhancer of couples therapy.


What do Power of Two Marriage Skills Workshops teach?

Power of Two Marriage Skills workshops teach vital communication and conflict resolution skills. Drs. Heitler and Hirsch first clarified these essentials in their books The Power of Two and The Power of Two Workbook.

Drs. Heitler and Hirsch then developed 12 lesson plans for group marriage skills workshops. 

Want to become a Power of Two Marriage Skills Workshops leader in your community?  If so,

1) Purchase from Amazon the Power of Two Marriage Skills Workshop Leaders’ Manual 

2) View the Power of 2 Leaders’ training video .

What do participants say about the Power of Two marriage education program?

“The information I learned will be very beneficial in all aspects of my life-work, children, and my spouse!” Denver participant

“I love how positive and forward-looking your approach is.” Denver participant

“Now when my in-laws are difficult, instead of bickering about them we appreciate how lucky we are to have learned the skills they lack.” Denver participant

“Thank you for your fabulous support. We are benefiting so much and are very grateful for your help. You’re wonderful!” Denver participant.

Why lead marriage education workshops?

Sustaining a cooperative marriage partnership requires high-level skills. No matter how much two people love each other, life as a married couple can be challenging.

When tempers rise, communication breaks down.  Without sufficient skills for talking cooperatively about tough issues, couples can end up bickering fighting, or giving up to keep the peace.

I think that all our clients as well as we trainers can benefits from this marriage education program. I love it. Personally, in my marriage I can already see the change. I learned how to communicate with my husband and when to stop when we have a conflict.” Marriage educator trainee from Bosnia

“I learned a great lesson: how to manage anger. I no longer see anger as justified; I understand the myths and see the emotion for what it is.” Client Service Counselor, Pan-African Association

“Dr. Heitler’s expertise in both education and clinical psychology is evidenced in the concise, easy-to-remember concepts that are reinforced by reading material, class exercises, stories about couples, and visual aids.” The Family Journal

Who can benefit from the Power of Two workshops program?

Singles use marriage education to be ready with the skills for positive relationships when they meet their soulmate.
Engaged couples
go to be ready for marriage.
Marriage couples
go to increase their ability to enjoy a long-lasting, strong, and loving marriage.

How do Power of Two Marriage Skills Workshops teach the material?

Learning is fun with skill drills and exercises. Brief explanations followed by multiple practice examples make a lively learning environment.

 By the Workshop Leaders Manual now to help yourself and then to help others to enjoy the benefits of a fully gratifying marriage relationship.

Learn the skills yourself, then train others.  Enjoy and enable others to enjoy the many benefits of a forever life-enhancing marriage partnership!