
Can Marriage Affect Your Heart Attack Risk?

Recent European studies have been clarifying the impacts, good and bad, of marriage on heart health. Read More

Beware Of Mistaken Marriage Advice That “All Couples Fight”

.    —————————    Denver psychologist and marriage counselor   Dr. Susan Heitler   is author of   From Conflict … . By Susan  Heitler, Ph.D….   …  in this article Susan! We would like to respond to your labeling of Dr. Gottman as ” …

        Blog Entry        by Susan  Heitler, Ph.D. – Posted on Jun 24, 2013

Marriage Arguments: Can All Conflicts Be Resolved?

the differences. …    -David Goshorn
Success Coach      Comment #3, Submitted by   Susan Heitler, Ph …  strategies and routines to help us deal with them.           Comment #5 Submitted by   Susan Heitler, Ph … ,       The 4 minute mile…     Submitted by   Susan Heitler, Ph.D.       For many years no one believed …

        Blog Entry        by Susan  Heitler, Ph.D. – Posted on Jul 17, 2013

Get Even By Getting Even Happier

Darren was furious. Claudia too couldn’t understand why her new husband Darren’s family hadn’t invited them to their recent dinner party. Worse, her in-laws had tried to keep the party a secret from them. Darren was so upset, he couldn’t stop talking about it. It would ruin his Christmas. How could they get even? Read More

The Woman Who Saved Marriage

One woman’s dedication to the idea of marriage education reversed America’s rising divorce rates and may have saved the institution of marriage. Read More

Are You Falling Out of Love? A Quiz on 10 Warning Signs

Falling out of love has become the number one cause listed for divorce, at least according to a study in England. It’s trumping even affairs and abuse in terms of frequency. The good news is that falling out of love is something you can prevent. How? Read More

Marriage: 8 Dangerously Wrong Conventional Wisdoms

Mistaken advice about marriage can have potent impacts. Beware especially of these relationship-wreckers. Read More

Marriage: the Ultimate Collaborative Venture

Love may find its ultimate expression in the decision of two people to live their lives in permanent collaborative partnership. Why does this decision sometimes lead to misery instead of joyful collaboration? Read More

Beware: Individual Therapy Can Harm Your Marriage

Individual therapy is often helpful. A therapist can provide emotional support and guidance for changes. But divorce can be an iatrogenic (therapist-induced) side effect of individual therapy for married folks. Read More

Can I Trust My Gut to Know If I’ve Found My True Love?

Are gut intuitions enough to decide the big question, Is this The One, my real true love? Here’s five short tests to help you assess if a person who feels like a marriage candidate would be a good choice for sealing the deal as husband and wife. Read More

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