Navigating Life’s Challenges with Dr. Heitler

Dr. Heitler understands that life’s challenges can lead to depression, anger, anxiety, addictions, and strained relationships. Her Power of Two and Prescriptions Without Pills books offer strategies for responding instead in ways that promote emotional well-being and healthier relationships.

For mental health professionals

Dr. Heitler explains her integrative theory and treatment techniques in From Conflict to Resolution.

One more resource

Note that in addition to her books, Dr. Heitler most recently has released an APA-accredited self-paced online course, Effective Couples Therapy.

From Conflict to Resolution

Offers an overall integrative model of what triggers psychopathology and how therapy can promote healing and growth.


In addition, the book clarifies a broad array of therapeutic techniques. 


Most remarkably, both the theoretical model and the many intervention techniques guide effective therapy in all formats, that is, with individuals, with couples, and also with families.


Prescriptions Without Pills: For Relief from Depression, Anger, Anxiety, and More

With techniques for relief from depression, anxiety, and excessive anger, this book offers new ideas for both therapists and self-helpers.   For more information, see

Therapists looking to earn continuing education credits for reading this book can obtain these at


David Decides About Thumbsucking

For children and their parents, this inspirational story enables children to end thumbsucking habits.


The Power of Two

This book and workbook combo teaches the communication and conflict resolution skills that sustain a strong and loving marriage.


See also The Power of Two Workbook, and the Leader’s Manual for Power of Two Marriage Skills Workshops, both co-authored with psychologist Abigail Hirsch, PhD.


The Power of Two Workbook: Communication Skills for a Strong & Loving Marriage

The Power of Two Workbook teaches the communication and conflict resolution skills that can enable you to enjoy a great marriage. With this practical step-by-step guide you’ll learn how to evoke interest, not antagonism, when you speak about sensitive issues; and to listen without becoming defensive. You’ll discover secrets to effective dialogue, techniques for cleaning up after inadvertent “toxic spills,” and ways to ensure that apologies yield healing—plus you’ll learn the three-step waltz of smooth shared decision-making, how to keep the anger ceiling low, and strategies for converting moments of anger into powerful opportunities for learning and growth.


The Power of Two Leader’s Manual: Marriage Skills Workshops

If you are a therapist who would like to add to your income by teaching couples the skills that can enable spouses to sustain a strong and loving marriage, check out Dr. Heitler’s Leaders Manual for Power of Two Marriage Skills Workshops,  The manual includes:

  • visual aids, handouts
  • session-by-session training references to the specific relevant pages in Dr. Heitler’s other books
  • marketing suggestions
  • before and after feedback forms
  • a curriculum guide with detailed lesson plans for twelve (12) 90-minute sessions. 
  • Each lesson plan includes multiple interactive exercises. 
  • The lesson plans can be used as stand-alone single-session workshops, as a series of 2-4 sessions on a specific topic, or as a full 12-session course. 

El Poder de Dos Libro de Ejercicios: Habilidades de Communicación Para Conseguir un Matrimonio Fuerte Y en Armonía (Spanish Edition)

¿Hay demasiados momentos de tensión dentro tu matrimonio? ¿Te resulta difícil hablar con tu pareja sobre temas importantes tales como desavenencias, frustraciones y dificultades? ¿Existe poca comunicación entre vosotros? ¿Os peleáis demasiado? ¿No hay suficiente amor?
