How Do You Deal with an Emotionally Dysregulated Partner?

Does Depression Make You More Sensitive?

Can a Relationship Work if One Person is Depressed?

How to Calm Down During an Argument

Toxic relationship? Or rough patch?

How to Stop Arguing with Your Partner

Couple Therapy

Why Do Couples Fight? Answered by a Therapist

How to Calm Down During an Argument

Toxic relationship? Or rough patch?

How to Stop Arguing with Your Partner

The Win-Win Waltz: Susan Heitler, PhD

Book-Launch Talk

Pt. 2 Get Relief From Depression, Anger, and Anxiety with Prescriptions Without Pills: Q & A

Pt. 1 Dr. Susan Heitler, Prescriptions Without Pills: Relief From Depression, Anger, Anxiety

Self-Help Therapy Techniques

Visualization Technique to Get Rid of Painful Feelings

How to Feel Good: Maintaining Well-Being

Temporal Tapping for a Better Mood

Self-Help Exercise to Feel and Do Better

That Was Then; This Is Now: A Visualization Technique for Relasing Negative Feelings and Thoughts

The 3 P's for Lifting Away Depression's Dark Cloud

Do Or Become

Self-Help Well-Being Mantra: "If It's in the Past, It's for the Good"

How to Deal with Anger According to a Therapist

Surviving Incest: Dialogues with Marilyn Van Derbur

Surviving Incest: Forgiveness (Episode 1)

Surviving Incest: Processing Anger after Abuse (Episode 2)

Surviving Incest: Children's Voices (Episode 4)

Surviving Incest: How to Protect Your Kids (Episode 5)

Surviving Incest: Getting Therapy (Episode 3)

A Joyful Interlude - Want to Dance?

Valse di Fantastica (Final Fantasy XV Piano Collections)(Yoko Shimomura)

Conflict Resolution

The Win-Win Waltz: Susan Heitler, PhD

Three Places to Look to Become Better at Conflict Resolution

The No-Pills Way to Stay on the Road of Well-Being

How to Stop Arguing with Your Partner

Toxic relationship? Or rough patch?

How to Calm Down During an Argument

Why Do Couples Fight? Answered by a Therapist

Dr Susan Heitler on Tedx

Lift Depression With These 3 Prescriptions- Without-Pills | Susan Heitler | TEDxWilmington

Prescriptions Without Pills


PRESCRIPTIONS WITHOUT PILLS : Introduction to the book.

Self-Help Exercise to Feel and Do Better

That Was Then; This Is Now: A Visualization Technique for Relasing Negative Feelings and Thoughts

Lift Depression With These 4 Prescriptions—Without Pills

Lift Depression with These 3 Prescriptions-Without-Pills

How to Feel Good: Maintaining Well-Being

New Treatment for Insomnia - Without Pills

Amygdala Reset to Decrease Emotional Reactivity

Lift Depression With These 3 Prescriptions- Without-Pills | Susan Heitler | TEDxWilmington

Energy Therapy, Susan Heitler and Dale Petterson

Energy Therapy: Muscle Testing and Prefrontal Lobe Energy-Shifting for Rapid Depression Relif

Amygdala Reset to Decrease Emotional Reactivity

Energy Therapy: Testing for Psychological Reversal

Energy Therapy: Is It Possible to Reset Your Amygdala?

Energy Therapy: Healing Trapped Emotion in the Body

Energy Therapy: Muscle Testing To Assess Amygdala Reactivity

Energy Therapy: Reacting Too Emotionally

Energy Therapy: Testing for Depression and Sadness

Energy Therapy: How to Train a Client's Arm for Muscle Testing / Kinesiology