
Depression During Pregnancy: Harmful to a Baby’s Brain?

Treatment Resistant Depression: Three New Understandings

c) Colecanstock

Prescriptions Without Meds for Anger, Depression and Anxiety

Much has been written of late of the downsides of taking medications for emotional difficulties. Try these alternative options.
(c) chalabala

The Disturbing Truth About Anxiety and Depression in College

Why do college students experience so much anxiety and depression? One young man discovered the causes for his distress plus an inspiring cure.
c) stevanovicigor/fotosearch

Want to Feel More Upbeat? Here Are 8 Natural Antidepressants

Try this formula to ease mild to moderate depressed moods.
(c) dragon_fang fotosearch

What Dogs Can Teach Us about the Main Cause of Depression

Psychologists have long pondered what is the cause, and the evolutionary purpose, of depressed feelings. Dogs have the answer.
(c) Corbis

Are Antidepressant Medications the Next Drug Abuse Epidemic?

Congress passed legislation this week to slow the epidemic of pain-killer addiction. What could also slow the epidemic of drug use for treating the emotional pain of depression?

(c) Mark2121

Depressed and Don’t Know Why? Or What You Can Do About It?

If you or someone you know has been feeling uncharacteristically irritable, discouraged, self-critical, or down, help is available, now.

(c) feedough

What Can Help College Students Who Flood Counseling Centers?

Why are anxiety, anger, depression and addictive habits plaguing so many college students? It may have to do in part with the prescriptions for pills that they bring with them.
(c) dundanim

Self-Talk: Create-Your-Own Anxious, Depressed or Happy Moods

Your self-talk can keep you feeling good—or can make you prone to depression, anger, or anxiety. Take this quiz to clarify if your self-talk habits are helping or hurting you
(c) VILevi

Great Leaders: The Secret That Freud Understood

Want to know the secret to what makes a group tick or tumble? Look to Freud.
(c) foto_fritz

Will These Surprising Depression Treatments Really Work?

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could left depression with a simple five or ten minute treatment? The new techniques in the videos in this article may come close!

5 Realities About Depression That Make It Highly Contagious

Depression has five main attributes. Each of these five factors adds to making depression a particularly communicable condition.
A Big Family: Does Number of Sibs Impact Divorce Risk?

A Big Family: Does Number of Sibs Impact Divorce Risk?

A recent study suggests an interesting relationship between the size of the family a child grows up within and the likelihood that in adulthood that child will end up divorced.
(c) photography33 Stock Photography

How To Prevent Your Marriage From Making You Depressed

Can marriage cause depression? See these 9 research findings for both the good and the bad news.
Scientific American Misses on the Cause of Depression

Scientific American Misses on the Cause of Depression

A depressive collapse can leave you feeling powerless, self-critical and discouraged. What popped your inner self-confidence balloon however can feel like a mystery.
(c) photography33

The Blues Is Depression. Should You Treat It With Pills?

Diagnosing depression as an illness and treating it with medication may create new difficulties. What if you treat depression instead as indicating a problem in your life?
(c) daisydaisy Stock Photography

A Quick and Quirky Addition to Depression Treatment Options 

Extensive medical research has established that when people feel a sense of well-being there is more energy in their left than their right prefrontal lobe. Their brain, by contrast, has more energy in the right prefrontal lobe when depression is present.  Read More.
 Relationship endings can be difficult to accomplish gracefully. It is possible though to lower the risk that a breakup will lead to depression. The same strategy works whether you are the one who initiates the breakup or the one who receives the bad news. Read More

Are You Getting Too Much of What You Don’t Want? Try This 3-D Check-Up

 Depression is triggered by interactions that leave you feeling a sense of loss, disappointment and hopelessness about getting what you want. Three speech patterns, which I call the 3-D’s, are especially likely to trigger depressed feelings in the receiver. Do any of these sound familiar to you? Read More 

Heartbroken: What Does Neuroimaging Show About Your Pain?

Are BPD “Drama Queens” Manipulative, Sadistic, and Worse?

Depression is a Disorder of Power so Here’s a Way to Power Up

 Conflict resolution therapy eliminates depression by resolving the conflict that has triggered it. Here’s a conflict-resolution visualization technique for lifting depression. Try it on your own or ask your therapist or a friend to help out. Read More

Is Calling Depression an Illness and Treating it With Pills Worth the Risks?

 Diagnosing depression as an illness and treating it with anti-depressant medication may create new difficulties. The risks include dampening your ability to feel happiness and sexual arousal, and causing weight gain, drug dependency and relationship problems. What if you treat depression instead as indicating a problem in your life? Read More