A Plan for Zero Arguments

Exit strategies work best when they have been designed mutually, and when they have been carefully created prior to the emotionally upsetting situation. Plan your exit routines now using this checklist. Then your plan will be ready for action next time you need to avert a clash. Read More
What Makes Conflict? How Are Conflicts Resolved?

Conflicts create bad feelings like irritation, frustration, anger, anxiety and depression. Left to fester, the situation about which people are in conflict are likely to create worse feelings over time. Learn the 3-step pathway from conflict to resolution and your life will feel far easier, happier and more peaceful.Read More
Three Ways to Use Play to Get Kids to Behave

Parenting, someone once said, is the art of getting kids to do what you want them to do, and getting them to stop doing things you don’t want them to do. These three ways of playing can fill your basket of parenting tricks with potent fun strategies. Read More