Category Archives: Articles/Blogposts

Conflict Resolution Therapy

Conflict Resolution Therapy By Susan Heitler, Ph.D. The premises of Conflict Resolution Therapy, developed by psychologist Susan Heitler, Ph.D , were first laid out in full in Dr. Heitler’s 1990 book From Conflict to Resolution. This book brought conflict resolution techniques from the world of business and legal mediation into the world of psychotherapy. A subsequent audio, taped […]

Conflict Resolution for Counselors and Couples

Conflict Resolution: Essential Skills for Couples and Their Counselors Susan Heitler, Ph.D. Denver, Colorado Abstract Marriage and relationship counselors need expertise in conflict resolution to work effectively with couples in distress. Couples’ ineffective conflict resolution skills result in anger and arguing, depression, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive syndromes such as excessive drinking, eating disorders etc. […]

Communication, Listening, and Conflict-resolution Skills

Communication, Listening, and Conflict-resolution Skills Susan Heitler Ph.D. From the forthcoming book Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology, Dan Christie, Ed. Participants in peaceful relationships generally interact in a friendly manner. Their dialogue has smooth laminar information flow. When turbulence or blockages in the flow indicate differing opinions, they engage as partners in shared problemsolving to create positive synergy solutions […]

Combined Individual/Marital Therapy: A Conflict Resolution Framework and Ethical Considerations

Conflict Resolution Treatment Combined Individual/Marital Therapy: A Conflict-Resolution Framework and Ethical Considerations Susan Heitler, Ph.D. Denver, Colorado Correspondence concerning this article should be sent to Susan Heitler, Ph.D. 4500 East 9th Avenue, Suite 660 Denver, CO 80220 Abstract This article illustrates how couple and individual treatment formats can be intertwined. A conflict resolution theoretical framework […]

Handouts with Metro Talk, A Pleasure to Kill You

Susan Heitler, Ph.D. Pleased To Kill You Shane Marie Morrow Lecture Metro Department of Psychology October 10, 2007 I. DOMESTIC ABUSE The following readings on domestic abuse are from the website, a website with excellent resource listings. Domestic violence and abuse Domestic abuse occurs when one person in an intimate relationship or marriage […]