Author Archives: susanh


Six Marriage Mistakes Newlyweds Should Fix Early The following represent the six most common marriage mistakes many couples make. If newlyweds can halt these marriage trouble-makers early, the better they will be set to have… a long and happy marriage. Still having trouble putting this advice to work in your relationship? You may benefit from […]


Why Do Anxiety and High Blood Pressure Go Hand-In-Hand? Feeling anxious? Concerned about high blood pressure? Maybe one treatment can ease both, and without medications. Here’s over a dozen options.  Read More Does Marriage Make Men and Women Fat? Scientific research has linked married life to weight gain. Can marriage really make you fat? If […]

Narcissism: A Redefinition and Case Study

Narcissism: A Redefinition and Case Study of Treatment With Conflict-Focused Couples Therapy Susan Heitler, Ph.D. Private Practice, Denver, CO Running head: NARCISSISM DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Author Note The Author is in private practice in Denver, CO. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Dr. Susan Heitler, 4500 East 9th Ave, Suite 660, Denver, CO […]

Austistic spectrum disorders

What Happens When Adults on the Spectrum Sing and Dance? Joy, fun and friends flourish when adults with handicaps perform onstage.  Read More   Do You Think of Narcissism as an Autistic Spectrum Disorder? “Of course not!” you might say dismissively. Not so quick. Better think again. And check the similarities that others are noticing. […]