Author Archives: Susan Heitler

UNDOING DEPRESSION: A Visualization Alternative to Anti-Depressant Medications

 by Susan Heitler, Ph.D. and Depression produces feelings of powerlessness and helplessness. Depressed [...]

Thoughts on the New “Energy Therapies”

In my posting today I am sharing a question and answer from a recent story [...]

Sex in Hysteria, the movie, and its relevance looking back 10 years after 9/11.

The soon-to-be-released movie Hysteria, judging from the trailor, looks like good clean fun on a [...]

Protests: Potent or Impotent?

In politics, and in relationships, can protests make us feel good? “You have to fight [...]

A New Blog — Resolution, Not Conflict

As of the last week of August of 2011 has selected me to be [...]

Things Not To Say To Your Spouse?

All too often, hurtful words slip inadvertently from our mouths.  Sometimes we genuinely meant no [...]

Effective Apologies: A Quick Guide to the Key Ingredients

To fully clean up distressed feelings an apology needs to include the following ingredients. 1.  [...]

Conflict Resolution Treatment with Couples: Arenas of Intervention

Like a three ring circus, conflict resolution therapy with couples includes three arenas of interventions. [...]

The Win-Win Waltz: A Strategy for Conflict Resolution and Shared Problem-Solving

Couples often seek information on how to fix a relationship, how to communicate with your [...]