Author Archives: admin

A Pleasure to Kill You

Shane Marie Morrow Lecture Metro Department of Psychology October 10, 2007 Susan Heitler, Ph.D. On 9/11 of 2001 Americans discovered terrorism. Reeling from the shocking news of planes flown into New York’s World Trade Center, Americans turned on their TV sets. To our horror, we watched Palestinians dancing in the streets in celebration of the many […]

Apologies and Forgiveness

Susan Heitler, Ph.D. 4500 East 9th Ave, Suite 660, Denver, CO 80220 303 388-4211;; Apologies and Forgiveness Expert Article by Susan Heitler, Ph.D. For Issues: Relationships and Marriage Apologies remove the toxic sting from mistaken interactions. After upsets, which are conflicts that have happened in the past, effective apologies convert a relationship from […]


Susan Heitler, Ph.D. 4500 East 9th Ave, Suite 660 Denver, CO 80220 303 388-4211 Apologies remove the toxic sting from mistaken interactions. An effective apology, however, is a complex event. Interestingly, apology is broadly used as a mediation intervention in China1, and is listed as an appeasing technique for mitigating conflict in Japanese conflict resolution2 […]