Author Archives: admin

Marriage Education with Power of Two for Refugees

Power of Two Marriage Skills Workshops And Its Use with Refugees Susan Heitler, M.Ed., Ph.D.                      Tatyana Fertelmeyster, MA, LCPC Private Practice                               Jewish Family and Community Service Denver, CO     […]

Keep Your House A Loving Home with Sharing and Separateness

Susan Heitler, Ph.D. Author, The Power of Two, and The Power of Two Workbook Come live with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove… Christopher Marlowe, The Passionate Shepherd to His Love Can this poet’s romantic image of living together be a reality in today’s world among dishes to wash, […]

Helping Two I’s and a We: Interweaving Individual and Couple Treatments

Helping Two I’s, and a We: A Conflict-Focused Framework for Integrating Individual and Couple Treatment Most therapists describe themselves as eclectic, drawing on various treatment strategies depending on the nature of the problem they confront in that session. Effective clinicians tend to develop a broad range of treatment intervention strategies plus skills for working at various levels of […]

From Conflict to Resolution: Psychologist/Divorce-Attorney Collaborations

Susan Heitler, Ph.D.; 303 388-4211; This paper is adapted from Dr. Heitler’s chapter in A Practice That Works, Harris, S.M., Ivey, D.C. and Bean, R. (eds), 2005. New York: Routledge. Divorce lawyers and clinical psychologists have much to gain by forming working alliances. This article explains the kinds of positive synergies that lawyers and psychologists can […]