Anxiety/Panic Attacks

High School and College Student Anxiety: Why the Epidemic?

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Why Do Anxiety and High Blood Pressure Go Hand-In-Hand?

Feeling anxious? Concerned about high blood pressure? Maybe one treatment can ease both, and without medications. Here’s over a dozen options. Read more..
(c) stokkete/fotosearch

Can a 4-Step Self-Help Therapy Technique End Upset Feelings?

Therapists use this technique to help their clients gain insight and feel better. Can it also relieve upset feelings if you use it as a self-help technique? Read more…
c) bds

Anxiety Treatment: Should You Be Wary of Anxiety Medication?

Feeling anxious? There’s lots of ways to ease the jitters, but be wary of some of them! Read more..
(c) feedough

What Can Help College Students Who Flood Counseling Centers?

Why are anxiety, anger, depression and addictive habits plaguing so many college students? It may have to do in part with the prescriptions for pills that they bring with them. Read more…
(c) ferli

 Discouraged About Finding Anxiety Help? Try Genomics

Help for perpetual anxiety can be difficult to find. Maybe exploring your genomic blueprint will enable you to discover the treatments you need. Read more..

Self-Talk: Create-Your-Own Anxious, Depressed or Happy Moods

Take this quiz to better understand how your self-talk is influencing your moods 

Prescriptions Without Meds for Anger, Depression and Anxiety

Much has been written of late of the downsides of psychotropic medications.  Here’s a set of alternatives to taking pills to combat anger, anxiety and depression, the Big Three of negative emotional states.   Read More

Four Ways to Assure You Won’t Get What You Want

Here’s four ways that are likely to create bad feelings with work colleagues. They can also help you lose your job, end your love relationships, and wreck your holidays. Read More

Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Good Advice or Bad?

Everyone from time to time gets worried thoughts. What’s a way to put these thoughts to good use? And if you are a chronic worrier, what’s an alternative path you might take? Read More

Anxious? 4 Examples of Anxiety Treaments that Calm Nerves

What therapy options are out there if you are struggling with anxiety? Is the goal to get rid of the anxious feelings, or to address the problems triggering your worries? Read More

Is Embarrassment Really Secret Joy?

The flush of cheeks could look like happiness. Or is it really shame or even humiliation? Read More

Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Good Advice or Bad?

Everyone from time to time gets worried thoughts. What’s a way to put these thoughts to good use? And if you are a chronic worrier, what’s an alternative path you might take? Read More

Your Mind Has Extraordinary Powers

There’s a revolution going on in the world of healing emotional and also physical distress. The revolution hinges on a remarkable discovery. We all can access far more knowledge, including self-knowledge of what we need to heal, than most of us ever have believed we can know. Read More

3 Mistakes That Invite Anxiety to Undermine Your Performance

Even athletes who are ranked amongst the top in the world sometimes find their level of performance cramped by anxious feelings. Yet most anxiety episodes occur in response to one of just 3 triggering thoughts. Train yourself to avoid these triggering thoughts and anxiety is far less likely to bubble up. Read More

Anxiety Problems in Relationships, Part I: 3 Habits That Invite Anxiety

In my practice as a Denver psychologist, anxiety problems rank among the most common presenting issues. At work, people may call the feelings stress. In relationships, couples label anxiety as tension. Fortunately, at work, home, or elsewhere, understanding the habits that exacerbate anxiety can launch you on a pathway toward feeling better. Read More

Anxiety Problems, Part II: 3 Habits That Help

While people may label anxious feelings stress, fears, worries, tension or “my nerves,” the feeling of anxiety is an unpleasant one. To escape anxious feelings, it can be tempting to try to distract yourself. In fact, directly addressing the situation that’s stirring up anxiety problems is usually the fastest route to ending the icky feelings. Read More

Are You Agitating or Thinking?

How is it that some people seem to be able to think through problems in a way that leads to creative solutions while others just get increasingly agitated and anxious? The key may lie in one little three-letter word. Read More

Panic Attacks Are Puzzles, Not Illnesses: Find the “Butterfly-Thought”

No need to panic about panic attacks. Anxiety surges happen to many folks. The good news though is that a “butterfly thought” and the panic attack it triggers can actually prove helpful for you. Read More