
(c) hannamonika/fotosearch

The Very Best Valentine Gift You Can Give to Anyone

Want to enjoy sustained loving relationships? To give a Valentine’s Day —or Post-Valentine’s Day—gift with impacts that will last year-round?  Read More
(c) Rodney Atienza, used with permission
Source: (c) Rodney Atienza, used with permission

Love After 50: 5 Tips for Finding Love Later in Life—or Now

Looking for someone to hug? To hold? To cherish and to cherish you?  Read More
(c) Rodney Atienza, used with permission
Source: (c) Keith Angelitis, used with permission

Is it possible that folks over 50 still can find and even marry the true love of their life? And older than 50 or not, can you bring more more hugging, more laughter and more love, into your life?

Why Am I Still Single? A Quiz

What can you do to increase the odds that you will succeed in selecting a mate and sealing the deal? Read More

Grandparents and Grandkids: The Perils of Long Distance Love

Grandchildren are the privilege and delight of increasingly fewer seniors. Those who do have grandkids too often live at too far a distance to reach out and hug them. Read More

Appendage-itis: When You Love Too Much

Loving others so much that you become an appendage to them can undermine relationships. Excessive altruism can be problematic just like narcissism, its opposite. My client Mary explains how. Read More